East Coast Gas Grid Expansion Plan

APA is delivering an expansion of gas transportation capacity on the East Coast Grid

expansion project
capital investment over the next two years
Project stages
The expansion will be delivered in a number of stages.
Stage 1

The Moomba to Sydney Ethane Pipeline (MSEP) conversion project, targeting completion in 2025. APA will invest ~$25 million to deliver this project to provide an additional ~20 TJ/day from Moomba to Victoria or ~25 TJ/day to Sydney. After conversion to natural gas, the incremental MSEP capacity will increase the total southbound capacity from Moomba to Sydney from 565 TJ/day to 590 TJ/day.

Stage 2

Moomba Sydney Pipeline (MSP) off-peak capacity expansion project, which will deliver two pressure regulation skids to increase capacity in summer months when pipeline maintenance is being undertaken. APA will invest ~$15 million to deliver this project, with new capacity to come online in summer 2025 and 2026. Total new MSP summer capacity on completion will be 80-120 TJ/day, delivering additional earnings in off-peak months and supporting storage refill ahead of peak winter months.

Stage 3

Stage 3 (expansion) focusses on building capacity to move ~24% more gas between northern basins and southern markets. This includes the proposed delivery of the Bulloo Interlink, a new 380km, 28-inch pipeline connecting the South West Queensland Pipeline (SWQP) to the MSP, and two new compressors on the MSP.

The Bulloo Interlink is designed to transport new gas from northern basins such as the Surat in Queensland and the Beetaloo in the Northern Territory, amongst others. Engineering design and planning, along with long lead item procurement, is progressing as part of committed early works funding.

The project would progressively increase MSP capacity from 590 TJ/day to 700 TJ/day. SWQP capacity would increase from 512 TJ/day to 605 TJ/day and capacity between Young and Melbourne would increase from 190 TJ/day to 229 TJ/day.

Stage 4

Stage 4 (storage) focusses on delivering new southern market gas storage to support AEMO’s forecast need for peaking gas-powered generation, as more variable renewable energy is added to the National Electricity Market.

Stage 4 involves the delivery of the proposed new Riverina Storage Pipeline (RSP) in New South Wales (NSW), along with new compression and pipeline infrastructure. Access and approvals and concept design is progressing as part of early works funding.

If progressed, Stage 4 would add new storage capacity in winter 2028 and 2029. The storage project can be delivered in stages, with ~200TJ of storage online as early as 2028, with the potential to expand to ~500 TJ as early as 2029.

Stage 5

Stage 5 (expansion) adds flexibility and amplifies the investments made in Stages 3 and 4, delivering capacity upgrades into the Victorian Transmission System (VTS). The potential project will expand APA’s MSP and VTS systems to 350 TJ/day from Young, NSW to Wollert, Victoria through the addition of new compressors, reconfiguration works and new metering and pressure regulation infrastructure.

The ~84% increase in transport capacity into Wollert, Victoria could be delivered as early as winter 2029 as the Victorian market becomes more reliant on northern gas basins.


Sustainability and Environmental Impact

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2024 03 13 Kurri Kurri Lateral Pipeline Construction 21

APA will continue to engage with the community and key stakeholders throughout the different stages of the ECGG Project. We are committed to building and maintaining relationships with all our stakeholders, to keep you informed about the East Coast Grid Expansion and to ensure your views are heard and addressed regarding specific projects.

To learn more about ECGG we encourage you to engage with us here.

APA will continue to work closely with the local and First Nations community, to maximise project opportunities in the project area that will share the benefits of the project through employment, training, education and community investment initiatives. 

As the project progresses APA will develop strategies for local content, Indigenous participation and social investment.

At the 2022 Australian Pipelines & Gas Association Awards, APA won the Environment Award for good practice cultural heritage management and First Nations engagement on the East Coast Grid Expansion project.

APA will engage early with knowledge holders and provide them with project information regarding the future stages for the East Coast Grid project.  APA will then work collaboratively to design the pipeline in a manner that reduces impacts on the cultural heritage.