Tariffs and terms
All tariffs are current as at 1 January 2025 and are exclusive of GST. Unless otherwise specified, tariffs are escalated quarterly in accordance with the APA Standard Gas Transportation Agreement.
Firm transport capacity service
These terms are for standard long-term firm transport services across more than one APA pipeline. They apply to firm services contracted for a minimum term of 12 months and are subject to available capacity. Non-standard transport services or alternative terms may be available by negotiation.
Deliveries | ||||
Wilton | Culcairn | Wallumbilla1 | ||
Receipts | Roma Brisbane Pipeline mid-line receipt point2 | $3.0741 | $3.3246 | |
Wallumbilla1 | $2.3647 | $2.6152 |
1 Add $0.1277GJ of MDQ for compression depending on delivery point.
2 For example, Argyle, Windibri, Condamine, Kogan North, Wambo and Peat Lateral Receipt Points.
These terms are for standard long-term firm transport services or reference services on individual APA pipelines. They apply to firm services contracted for a minimum term of 12 months, or for the minimum term as set out in the applicable access arrangement. They are subject to available capacity.
Non-standard transport services or alternative terms may be available by negotiation.
Pipeline / Direction | Long-term Firm ($/GJ/day of MDQ) | Tariff derivation | |
Roma Brisbane Pipeline |
Reference Tariff (in accordance with Access Arrangement only) - $0.6755 Tariffs for alternative, non-reference services are available by negotiation – please contact APA for further information. |
Reference Tariff for Firm Service (Reference Service). The terms and conditions applying to the Reference Service can be found in the Access Arrangement. For non-reference services available by negotiation, competitive alternatives for gas supply and transportation to shippers for different pipeline directions available on the pipeline. |
Berwyndale Wallumbilla Pipeline |
$0.2927 |
Tariff based on a Foundation Agreement entered into in 2010 escalated in accordance with the terms of that contract. | |
Wallumbilla Gladstone Pipeline |
$1.4659 |
Tariff based on annual capital charge based on USD foundation contracts entered into in 2015, multiplied by AUD/USD exchange rate as at 6 November 2024, plus annual operating costs, divided by nameplate capacity. The annual capital charge is indexed annually by the US CPI. | |
Reedy Creek Wallumbilla Pipeline
$0.0896 |
Tariff based on a Foundation Agreement entered into in 2018 escalated in accordance with the terms of that contract. | |
South West Queensland Pipeline |
- Moomba to Wallumbilla (Easternhaul) |
$1.4822 |
The transport-only SWQP tariff is based on a foundation agreement entered into in 2009, escalated in accordance with the terms of that contract. The SWQP Easternhaul ‘compression required’ standing tariff is based on the SWQP transport-only standing tariff plus the base Moomba pressure tariff from the foundation shipper contract entered into in 2012 escalated in accordance with the terms of that contract. The SWQP Westernhaul ‘compression required’ standing tariff is based on the SWQP transport-only standing tariff plus the MDQ-weighted average of two foundation shipper contracts for pressure services entered into in 2010 and 2009 escalated in accordance with the terms of those contracts. |
- Wallumbilla to Moomba (Westernhaul) - If no compression required |
$1.4822 | ||
- Moomba to Wallumbilla (Easternhaul) |
$1.7293 |
- Wallumbilla to Moomba (Westernhaul) |
$1.6010 |
Carpentaria Gas Pipeline |
Ballera to any Delivery Point on the CGP (Northernhaul)2 |
$1.4798 |
Tariffs reflect competitive alternatives for gas supply and transportation to shippers at different points on the pipeline. |
Northern Gas Pipeline (NGP) Receipt Point to Delivery Points north of the NGP Receipt Point, including the Mica Creek metering facility (Northernhaul) |
$0.1865 |
NGP Receipt Point to Delivery Points south of the NGP Receipt Point and north of and including Phosphate Hill offtake from the CGP (Southernhaul) |
$0.6342 |
NGP Receipt Point to Delivery Points south of the Phosphate Hill offtake, including Ballera (Southernhaul) |
$1.2933 |
Moomba Sydney Pipeline and MSEP
Moomba-Sydney |
$1.3586 |
The published tariff has moved with CPI since the covered portion became light regulated in 2008, with the exception of adjustment to enable capacity expansion in the period 2009 to 2014. The expansion tariff adjustment was an initial 5c/GJ increase in the full-haul tariff, followed by five annual increments of 1c/GJ. The MSEP tariffs for delivery of methane gas have been based on the MSP tariffs as similar services are provided by both pipelines. |
Moomba-Culcairn |
$1.6090 |
Culcairn-Wilton |
$0.5072 |
Part-haul rate calculated as proportion of distance of full-haul rate and checked against competitive options for alternate pipeline route between Sydney and Melbourne. |
South East South Australia Pipeline |
$0.2034 |
Tariff is based on the annual charge in a foundation agreement entered into in 2007, divided by the nameplate capacity of the pipeline and escalated in accordance with the terms of that contract. | |
Amadeus Gas Pipeline |
$0.3745 |
Reference Tariff for Reference service as described under the Access Arrangement. |
Bonaparte Gas Pipeline |
$0.7820 |
Tariff based on a Foundation Agreement entered into in 2006 escalated in accordance with the terms of that contract. |
Wickham Point Pipeline |
$0.2040 |
Tariff based on a Foundation Agreement entered into in 2009 escalated in accordance with the terms of that contract. |
Darwin Distribution System |
$1.9106 |
Tariff based on an Agreement entered into in 2024, escalated in accordance with the terms of that contract |
Parmelia Gas Pipeline |
$0.6066 |
Tariff based on competitive gas transportation options on other pipeline serving the same locations, as well as other gas supply alternatives available to shippers. |
Pilbara Energy Pipeline |
$0.9921 |
Tariff based on competitive energy supply options available to customers in the Pilbara. |
Northern Goldfields Interconnect |
$3.0623 |
Tariff competitive with alternative energy supply options available to customers along the pipeline. |
Goldfields Gas Pipeline — covered capacity |
$0.131672/GJ toll charge |
Reference tariff for firm service. | |
Goldfields Gas Pipeline — uncovered capacity |
$0.4647/GJ toll charge + $0.0036/GJ capacity (per km) |
Tariff competitive with alternative energy supply options available to customers along the pipeline. | |
Murrin Murrin lateral |
$0.3767 | Tariff based on competitive energy supply options available to customers in the Goldfields region. | |
Eastern Goldfields Pipeline |
$4.3977 | Tariff based on competitive energy supply options available to customers in the Goldfields region. | |
Telfer Gas Pipeline |
$3.1767 | Tariff based on current firm contract tariff, which is the foundation shipper arrangement for the pipeline. | |
Kalgoorlie to Kambalda Pipeline |
$0.5076 | Tariff based on current firm contract tariffs. |
1 The WGP tariff is expressed in AUD but is derived from an original contract tariff expressed in USD. The AUD tariff will fluctuate in line with foreign exchange movements. Prospective shippers on the WGP should contact APA on 02 9275 0020 for up-to-date tariff information for this pipeline.
2 Services from SWQP to CGP at Ballera require a compression service. Contact APA on 02 9275 0020 for further details.
3 These are reference tariffs for firm reference services as set out in the relevant access arrangements for these pipelines.
Standalone compression services
Compression is either part of a transport service, or can be offered on a standalone basis. Relevant tariffs for standalone compression are set out below.
Compression is either part of a transport service, or can be offered on a standalone basis. Relevant tariffs for standalone compression are set out below.
Standalone compression | Rates ($/GJ/day of MDQ) | Tariff derivation | Additional information/Specific restrictions In addition to the terms set out in the SGTA |
Moomba compression | $0.2215 | Tariffs based on foundation shipper arrangements for compression services, determined in competitive circumstances. | In assessing a request for reservation of capacity for standalone compression, APA will consider reasonable technical and commercial matters with respect to the request. APA may withhold acceptance of a request for standalone compression capacity reservation on reasonable technical and commercial grounds. |
Wallumbilla compression |
Use this MAS tariff matrix to determine whether you will require compression as a standalone service, or as part of a transport service on the SWQP or MSP.
Service duration
All firm transport and compression services are offered over four terms. Relevant tariffs to apply to different terms of firm contracting will be determined using the following formula... Relevant Firm Service Tariff = (Long Term Firm tariff) x (1+X) ...where X is the adjustment value outlined below in respect of the relevant term for contracting the firm service. Tariff rules, charging structures and X values are set out below. The X values have been derived from the average aggregated load factor for APA pipelines to determine a long term firm equivalent tariff, including consideration of the risk of providing the firm service over shorter terms. |
Tariff rules | Charging structure | Adjustment Value (X) | Additional information / Specific restrictions In addition to the terms set out in the SGTA |
Long-term |
Long term firm tariff is available for shippers contracting firm capacity on a pipeline for a term equal to or greater than 12 months. |
Capacity charge on reserved Firm MDQ ($/GJ/day of MDQ) | 0 | ||
Short-term |
Short term firm tariff is available to shippers contracting firm capacity on a pipeline for a term of less than 12 months. |
Capacity charge on reserved Firm MDQ ($/GJ/day of MDQ) |
0.3 For services delivering to Culcairn – 0.5 |
APA may decline a request to reserve capacity for a shorter term where to do so would materially reduce the ability for another shipper to reserve longer term firm capacity relevant to the pipeline. |
Day-ahead |
Day-ahead capacity is available for shippers with a day-ahead firm capacity facility in their GTA. This facility allows shippers to reserve firm capacity on a day-ahead basis. |
Capacity charge on reserved Firm MDQ ($/GJ/day of MDQ) |
0.5 For services delivering to Culcairn – 0.6 |
Day-ahead firm capacity facility can be included in a GTA with no advance firm capacity reservation (0 MDQ). |
Within-day |
Within-day capacity is available for shippers with a within-day firm capacity facility in their GTA.
Charge on delivered quantity ($/GJ) up to scheduled firm service quantity |
East coast assets – 0.2 For services delivering to Culcairn – 0.3 |
Within-day firm capacity facility can be included in a GTA with no firm capacity reservation (0 MDQ).
West coast assets – 0.6 |
Standard Interruptible services are only available while the pipeline is fully contracted for the corresponding firm service, and are subject to available capacity. All Interruptible transport and compression services are available over two terms. Relevant tariffs to apply will be determined using the following formula... Relevant Interruptible Tariff = (Long Term Firm tariff) x (1 + X) ...where X is the adjustment value outlined below in respect of the relevant term for contracting the firm service. Tariff rules, charging structures and X values are set out below. The X value for interruptible services reflects an estimate of the risk of interruption. The Access Arrangement for the Amadeus Gas Pipeline has specified the Interruptible service as a Reference Service. The Interruptible service tariff is set through the Access Arrangement and is not derived as a function of the long term firm or reference tariff. |
Tariff rules | Charging structure | Adjustment Value (X) | Additional information / Specific restrictions In addition to the terms set out in the SGTA |
Day-ahead |
Day-ahead Interruptible capacity is available for shippers with a day-ahead Interruptible capacity facility in their GTA. |
Charge on delivered quantity ($/GJ) up to scheduled service quantity | -0.25 |
Interruptible capacity nominations are only permitted when the pipeline is fully contracted. |
TGP only 0.5 | |||||
Within-day |
Within-day Interruptible capacity is available for shippers with a within-day Interruptible capacity facility in their GTA. |
Charge on scheduled quantity ($/GJ) up to scheduled service quantity | -0.25 |
Interruptible capacity nominations are only permitted when the pipeline is fully contracted. |
TGP only 0.5 |
Additionally, APA is currently offering a non-standard Interruptible service for southernhaul services on the Carpentaria Gas Pipeline for $1.1050/GJ. This tariff applies to Interruptible services scheduled from the Northern Gas Pipeline/Mt Isa receipt point on the CGP to Ballera, and can be scheduled in spare (uncontracted) capacity. This non-standard service and tariff offering is available until 31 December 2024.
Park and Loan services
Pipeline | Long term firm | Short term firm | Day-ahead and within-day (non-firm) | Tariff derivation | Additional information / Specific restrictions In addition to the terms set out in the SGTA |
South West Queensland Pipeline | $0.6513/GJ/day of MDQ | $0.8467/GJ/day of MDQ | $1.0421/GJ/day | Standing tariffs for Park and Loan have been set to balance the opportunity cost of providing Park and Loan services in place of Firm Transportation services, and the availability of competing alternatives. Based on its assessment of the opportunity costs associated with sterilising Firm Transportation capacity and alternative storage services, APA has established storage tariffs for each pipeline capable of providing storage services as at 1 January 2025, which is then escalated by CPI. |
In assessing a request for reservation of long term firm and/or short term firm Park and Loan capacity, APA will consider reasonable technical and commercial matters with respect to the request. APA may withhold acceptance of a request for long term firm and/or short term firm Park and Loan capacity reservation on reasonable technical and commercial grounds. |
Carpentaria Gas Pipeline | $0.3507/GJ/day of MDQ | $0.4591/GJ/day of MDQ | $0.5611/GJ/day of MDQ | |||
Moomba Sydney Pipeline | $0.5511/GJ/day of MDQ | $0.7164/GJ/day of MDQ | $0.8818/GJ/day of MDQ |
Other services
Service | Rate | Tariff derivation |
Redirection | $0.0494/GJ/day |
Tariff reflects a contribution to facility and systems costs associated with gas redirection made on behalf of the shipper, where both receipt and delivery points are located within one of APA’s facilities, and there is no associated transport service through which the shipper is otherwise contributing to those costs. Escalated quarterly by CPI. |
In-Pipe Trade | $0.0124/GJ capped at $4352.3585 per GTA per month, paid by the seller | Tariffs established 1 January 2018 to reflect a contribution to system development costs, and ongoing costs associated with managing hydrocarbon accounting, billing and systems necessary to provide these services. Escalated quarterly by CPI. |
Capacity Trading | $0.0249/GJ of MDQ traded, paid by seller of capacity | Tariffs established 1 January 2018 to reflect a contribution to system development costs, and ongoing costs associated with managing hydrocarbon accounting, billing and systems necessary to provide these services. Escalated quarterly by CPI. |
Capacity Trading Participation Charge | $994.8248 per month per asset for a minimum 12 month term. | |
Auction | $0.00/GJ of MDQ per facility* |
Capacity Trading & Auction Standardisation Charges are based on actual and forecast incremental capital and operating costs, forecast volumes of traded and auction capacity, and an allowance for auction proceeds revenue. Auction and Exchange trading charges have been calculated on an effort-based split of project costs between the two services. Provision has been made under IT system capital costs to be recovered over five years. As of June 2022, capital costs associated with IT systems for provision of Auction and Exchange Capacity services have been fully recovered by APA, and APA expects to recover its ongoing operating costs via auction proceeds revenue. Accordingly, APA will no longer be levying Auction, Exchange Capacity or Standardisation Cost charges. Should conditions change whereby APA is no longer able to recover its ongoing operating costs via auction proceeds revenue, APA may reintroduce the levying of these charges. |
Exchange Capacity | $0.00/GJ of MDQ* |
Standardisation Cost Charge | $0.00/month/asset* |
*Rates effective 1 October 2024.
Other charges and parameters
Element | Standard allowance | Charge | |
Minimum bill | NA |
$2487.0620 per month per asset for a minimum 12 month term |
Overrun | Applied daily |
200% of rate relevant to the overrun (firm or interruptible), applied to the overrun amount as per SGTA. For Overruns that occur on firm services with no MDQ — $4.9741 per GJ.
MHQ factor | Applied hourly at MDQ/24 * 1.1 | ||
Imbalance | +/-5% |
East coast assets: |
West coast assets NGI Imbalance rate $2.9415/GJ GGP Imbalance rate – Yarraloola receipt point $7.5668/GJ All other West coast assets at 200% of standing rate relevant to the imbalance (firm or interruptible), applied to the imbalance amount as per SGTA. |
APA will directly pass through any state or federal government levies or charges, such as the safety levy imposed in Western Australia.