Western Outer Ring Main (WORM)
The Western Outer Ring Main (WORM) is a 51 km high pressure gas pipeline in Melbourne's outer suburbs.
In 2021, we published an Environment Effects Statement (EES) - an evaluation of the potential environmental and social aspects of the Project, and our proposed approach to managing the impacts.
The EES and all public submissions were presented to an Inquiry Panel, who considered the information and prepared a report for the Minister for Planning.
On 26 January 2022, the Minister for Planning released the Minister’s Assessment. This Assessment was provided to statutory decision-makers to inform approval decisions.
The following information was published in addition to the EES and Pipeline Licence Application to support the Inquiry process:
- Inquiry RFI Response Table - 22 September 2021
- Technical Note No. 01 - EP Act update re Noise and Vibration
- Technical Note No. 02 - EP Act update re Waste and Contamination
- Technical Note No. 03 - EP Act update re Air Quality
- Technical Note No. 04 - EP Act update re Surface Water
- Technical Note No. 05 - EP Act update re Groundwater
- Technical Note No. 06 - EP Act update re Greenhouse Gas
- Technical Note No. 07 - EP Act update re Biodiversity and Habitats
- Technical Note No. 08 - Pipeline Alignment design changes
- Technical Note No. 08 - Amended Mapbook Part 1
- Technical Note No. 08 - Amended Mapbook Part 2
- Technical Note No. 09 - Mainline Valve site design amendments
- Technical Note No. 10 - Waste Contamination - Additional Investigations & Response to RFI 77
- Technical Note No. 11 - Groundwater - Monitoring Update
- Technical Note No. 12 - Sodic Soils investigations - Response to RFI 61, 64 & 65
- Technical Note No. 13 - Safety Management Study
- Technical Note No. 14 - Cultural Heritage - Response to RFI 100 & 103
- Technical Note No. 15 - Biodiversity assessment of pipeline alignment - Part 1 of 3
- Technical Note No. 15 - Biodiversity assessment of pipeline alignment - Part 2 of 3
- Technical Note No. 16 - Updated Ecological Offset strategy
- Technical Note No. 18 - Assessment of pipeline design changes - Response to RFI 3
- Technical Note No. 19 - Groundwater - Response to RFI 54-57
- Technical Note No. 20 - Land Stability and Ground Movement - Response to RFI 60, 66-68 & 81
- Technical Note No. 21 - Waste and Contamination - Respone to RFI 69-72, 74-76, 78, 80 & 82
- Technical Note No. 22 - Greenhouse Gas - Response to RFI 85, 86 & 88-90
- Technical Note No. 23 - Air Quality - Response to RFI 92
- Technical Note No. 24 - Noise and Vibration - Response to RFI 94 & 97
- Technical Note No. 25 - Landscape and Visual - Response to RFI 104
- Technical Note No. 26 - Land Use - Response to RFI 105-108 & 110
- Technical Note No. 28 - Safety - Response to RFI 113-115
- Technical Note No. 29 - Pipeline Design - Response to RFI 4, 7, 8, 16, 17, 35, 38, 47 & 87
- Technical Note No. 30 - Surface Water - Response to RFI 43
- Technical Note No. 31 - Biodiversity and Habitats - Response to RFI 18, 21, 22 & 25
- Technical Note No. 32 - Vibration & Land Use - Response to RFI 98, 99 & 109 & to submissions
- Technical Note No. 33 - Jacksons Creek construction timing
- Technical Note No. 34 - Sodic Soils - Response to RFI 62 & 63
- Technical Note No. 35 - Sodic Soils - Response to RFI 121, 122 & 125
- Technical Note No. 36 - Groundwater - Response to RFI 123 & 124
- Technical Note No. 37 - Pipeline alignment through 525 Sunbury Road, Bulla
- Supporting Document - Operational Environmental Management Plan
- Foreword
- Executive summary
- Abbreviations and glossary
- Table of contents
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Project rationale
- Chapter 3: Project development and alternatives
- Chapter 4: Project description
- Chapter 5: Evaluation and assessment framework
- Chapter 6: Community and stakeholder consultation
- Chapter 7: Biodiversity and habitats
- Chapter 8: Water (surface water and groundwater)
- Chapter 9: Land stability and ground movement
- Chapter 10: Waste management (greenhouse gas and contamination)
- Chapter 11: Air Quality
- Chapter 12: Noise and Vibration
- Chapter 13: Cultural heritage
- Chapter 14: Landscape and visual
- Chapter 15: Land use
- Chapter 16: Social
- Chapter 17: Safety
On 21 February 2020, the Project was deemed a Controlled Action by the Federal Minister for the Environment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).
The Project was granted approval under the EPBC Act in 2022.
A Pipeline Licence was issued for the Project under the Pipelines Act 2005.
APA prepared a Pipeline Construction Environmental Management Plan, which details how APA manages environmental risks and impacts during construction. The plan also outlines how APA consults and interacts with stakeholders, particularly landowners and occupiers, affected by the Project.
- Route Selection report
- Third-Party Environmental Compliance Audit
- Third-Party Environmental Compliance Audit – Construction
- EPBC 2019-8569 Grassland Offset Strategy (Redacted)
- EPBC 2019-8569 Cressy Offset Management Plan (Redacted)
- EPBC 2019-8569 Dobie Offset Management Plan (Redacted)
- APA WORM EPBC Compliance Report 23-24
In relation to the Project
APA VTS Australia (Operations), Licencing and Approvals Lead
Level 14, 60 City Road, Southbank VIC 3006
PO Box 423 Flinders Lane, Vic 8009
Phone: 1800 951 444
Fax: +61 3 8626 8454
Email: worm@apa.com.au
In relation to Pipeline Licence
Pipelines Regulation, DEECA
Phone: 136 186
Email: pipeline.regulation@deeca.vic.gov.au