North West Interconnected System
APA owns and operates three high voltage 66kV transmission lines within the North West Interconnected System (NWIS).
Sustainability and Environmental Impact
The Pilbara is undergoing a major energy transformation, with miners committed to decarbonisation and electrification. APA is proud to be on this journey with these companies, delivering the renewable energy infrastructure needed to support this transition.
Transitioning from gas and diesel power to firmed renewables is complex and requires expertise to manage intermittency. APA always prioritise delivering reliable power to our customers, while carefully managing the cost and emissions profile of the energy mix.
APA has ambitious plans for the future of our Pilbara Energy System, with a $3 billion development pipeline that will deliver approximately 1GW of new renewable energy capacity. This includes wind, solar, and battery storage projects, all strategically located to maximise efficiency and minimise environmental impact.
APA holds Native Title agreements with the Kariyarra and Nyiyaparli Traditional Owner groups in the Pilbara. We maintain strong relationships with both groups by following cultural protocols, engaging Traditional Owners for on-ground work and ongoing consultation to inform project development including proposed project footprints and avoidance areas.